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Tag: career

Rule of 72

The Rule of 72 is a mathematic way to determine how much our money will increase over the years. By dividing 72 by the rate of return investors can get an estimate of how much your money will double in a few years. Using the Rule of 72 can allow you to retire happily in a stable financial environment. The money you earn is in your hands so why not make your money work for you while you don’t have to lift a finger?

This is how. 

Returning to Work After a Break is Not Impossible

Returning to your career after a break can be difficult but, with the right preparation it is achievable. Show employer in an interview that although you took a break you are committed to the business. In today’s society the biggest set back is technology. People who have been away from the working life for a while may not be up to date in the current technology use of their department. Volunteering in your field is also a good way to keep your mind and body active.  Provide examples of your work experience prior to the break that show you are willing to be fully invested. Don’t apologize for being out of the game prove to them that you are at the same level if not above your peers because of your break. Stay positive you are not the first person to take a career break and you will not be the last.