Tag Archive for: Entrepreneurship

“The highest manifestation of life consists in this: that a being governs its own actions. A thing which is always subject to the direction of another is somewhat of a dead thing”. Thomas Aquinas

One of the biggest misconceptions around learning the principles of entrepreneurship is that it is only for those considering starting and running a new or existing business. This line of thinking is shortsighted because, in truth, we are all in business for ourselves. We all engage in the principles

of entrepreneurship we just may not realize it. If we look a little closer, we will see the similarities.

We are all in the business of managing our personal lives. We are a business of one. Like any business, we have expenses: rent or mortgage, food, transportation, utilities, insurance, etc. Just like any business, we need to generate enough income to meet expenses. This is Business 101. Generate enough income to meet expenses and hopefully have something left over. Businesses call this “profit”, and personally we call it “disposable income.” They have different names, but they both mean the same thing.

Businesses provide products and/or services to generate income. Entrepreneurs provide a product or service that meets the wants and needs of their customers. They must market their services to attract customers because they there is plenty of competition seeking to gain the same customer.

As a business of one, we need to redefine our search for employment. A job is an exchange of a service provided for a fee; we just call it paycheck. The service could be physical labor, providing customer service or administrative help. The type of job is not the point. We do the job, whatever it is, to generate income to meet expenses. While you may not call it that, but that is a business of one.

An employer from this perspective is a customer that pays a fee for the services provided. As a business of one, an open position is simply a potential customer with a need. Sending your resume and applying for the position is marketing your services to say you can meet the need of the potential customer. Just as we do not spend our money on products and services to meet the needs of the seller, employers do not hire individuals because of the needs of the individuals. They do not hire us because we need a job. Employers hire individuals that can meet the needs of the employer.

Business marketing is about distinguishing themselves from the competition in order to gain new or keep existing customers is what. Applying for and interviewing for a position is essentially the same thing. The resume is the marketing tool of the business of one.

Understanding this analogy hopefully helps develop a fresh way of thinking. The number-one reason for learning the principles of entrepreneurship is to develop the entrepreneurial mindset. A new way of seeing yourself in the world of work.

Learning the principles of entrepreneurship is bigger than starting and running a business. It is also about developing a way of thinking that empowers our lives, whether we are starting a formal business or seeking gainful employment. Understanding and implementing these principles in our personal lives is one of the most empowering moves we can make. The same skills and way of thinking required to be a successful entrepreneur are the same ones required for living an empowered life.

I encourage you to take the steps for success in the business of life. Find whatever method works best for you but learn the fundamental principles of entrepreneurship and your way of thinking about the business of life will never be same. We integrate developing the entrepreneurial mindset into all our skills training courses, so there is a good place to start.

If you need help, we are there to help you. Contact the Greater Paterson OIC: hnelson@gpoic.org or visit: www.gpoic.org.

Want to develop the entrepreneurial mindset? Want to prepare yourself for the new world of work? We can help.

It has always been the position of the Greater Paterson OIC that entrepreneurship education has a place in workforce development for youth and adults.

In this post, we share a panel conversation that discusses the importance of this education.

Certiport is the host of this conversation.

Certiport is the administrator of the Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) certification offered at the Greater Paterson OIC.

For more information on the ESB training course, visit our contacts page and email Hollis Nelson, the Training Director at the Greater Paterson OIC.

One of the most overlooked categories in Workforce Development, especially as it relates to low-income and underserved populations, is teaching the general principles of entrepreneurship. In this sector most services tend to lean towards employment training, adult basic education, English as a Second Language (ESL), along with standard job searching and resume development assistance.

These offerings are all needed and provide tremendous value. However, I believe in our current environment, and in light of the way the world of work is changing, entrepreneurship training should be added to the mix.

Many people, including those in these income brackets, have dreams of running their own business. This is not to say that after receiving training everyone is going to run out and start their own business.

Yes, it is entirely possible that it could happen for some, however, that is not the main reason for offering this training. Entrepreneurship training offers so much more in terms of the intangible “soft skills” that are integrated into the training. Having these skills would make those who may never start their own business much more attractive as employment candidates.

A good entrepreneurship training program would help participants develop essential skills – including but not limited to:

  • Decision-Making Skills
  • Increased Self-Awareness
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Time Management Skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Innovation and Creativity Skills
  • Teamwork or Collaboration Skills
  • Financial Skills

These tools are critical for both the entrepreneur and the employee. If an individual is not interested in starting a business, possessing these skills along with an understanding of business in general makes them a far more attractive candidate for employment, and opens up a wider range of options for seeking employment.

Those who do desire to someday do their own thing will have a better understanding of business, and a firmer foundation on which to launch out and begin their endeavor.

We are in a new time. How work is being done has changed and these changes are here to stay. The “Gig” economy is growing, and an increasing number of people are seeking ways to generate additional revenue. Providing entrepreneurship to low-income and underserved populations will give them a fighting chance to participate in this new economy and this new world of work.

I am hoping that Workforce Investment Boards and County One-Stops will recognize the value for this type of training and add it to the mix of those services already being provided.

One can only hope.

The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Greater Paterson OIC, its Board of Directors or any other group or individual affiliated.