The challenges of raising a child in a single parent household are well known in our society. What we don’t hear enough about are those that rise to the challenge, set goals for themselves, head out, and achieve those goals despite the obstacles. Artoneil Rodney is a person that fits that description.
Artoneil is training to become an electrician, a profession that you do not see many females pursuing, so taking on tough challenges is something she has embraced. What impressed us the most about her is that in addition to her electrician training she decided that obtaining Microsoft Excel skills would also be beneficial, which lead her to the Greater Paterson OIC.
Her desire to learn and her commitment to achieving her goals were evident from the start. Taking classes at OIC in the afternoon, caring for her daughter, and attending electrician classes at night was a full load, but she was determined to succeed. And succeed she did.
We were elated when Artoneil successfully passed her Microsoft Office Specialist certification exam in Excel and joyfully celebrated with her. She is a testament to what a person can do when they make up their mind to accomplish a goal, take on the challenge, and overcome any obstacles that get in the way. She is progressing in her electrician’s training and has decided to pursue obtaining her driver’s license as well.
We have no doubt that she will reach both goals and make a better life for herself and her daughter. We will be there to lend our support along the way.