Isabella’s Build
Isabella has done a great job with her study and she has did a very good job building her computer.
Mahmoud Ramadan
We are so very proud of Mahmoud Ramadan who earned his GED in our youth GED program a number of months ago, and is now serving in the Security/Special Forces of the United States Air Force, and will in Washington DC in January. We wish him all the best, and we will be with him […]
Congratulations Juan and Kenneth
Help us congratulate Juan and Kenneth on their achievement.
4 Critical Mindset Adjustments You Need to Thrive in Today’s World
With the explosion of AI in virtually all aspects of our lives, including the workforce, how you decide to respond to it is up to you. You can choose to resist the tsunami of change or embrace it and begin preparing yourself for success in the face of change. In terms of the workforce, in […]
New Graduate
Saddie has done it! Our latest graduate. Everybody join in to congratulate her on achieving her GED!
It is with great adulation that we congratulate Keylin on achieving her High School Equivalency.
Want to Achieve Your Goals? Understand This Principle!
Very few people would argue against the value of goal setting. It’s also no secret that many people fail to achieve goals they set for themselves. Failing to reach a goal can happen to anyone, and it is better to try and fail reaching a goal than failing to try at all. The real question […]
After achieving academically this young man successfully built his own high quality gaming machine.
Determined to Succeed
The challenges of raising a child in a single parent household are well known in our society. What we don’t hear enough about are those that rise to the challenge, set goals for themselves, head out, and achieve those goals despite the obstacles. Artoneil Rodney is a person that fits that description. Artoneil is training […]
Goals Achieved!
The staff of the Greater Paterson OIC would like to congratulate Aura Lopez on her remarkable accomplishments in our Small Business and Office Management training program. Aura came into our training program seeking to make a career change. She has a passion for business and wanted to strengthen her skills in order to pursue better […]
Earn More Money with New Skills
Earning more money can be as simple as assessing ALL of your skill sets. Let me know your thoughts about acquiring new skill sets?
Why Everyone Should Learn Entrepreneurship
“The highest manifestation of life consists in this: that a being governs its own actions. A thing which is always subject to the direction of another is somewhat of a dead thing”. Thomas Aquinas One of the biggest misconceptions around learning the principles of entrepreneurship is that it is only for those considering starting and running […]
3 Keys to Building an Effective Team
“Individual commitment to a group effort–that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” –Vince Lombard The importance of teamwork today is something that cannot be overstated. Teams exist in a broad spectrum of environments. You will find teams functioning in business whether working remotely or in […]
The “Secret” of Success
Countless books and articles have been written on the subject of success. Many of them entice readers by teasing that they have the “Secrets of Success”. However, if we are honest with ourselves, most of us would confess that we know what it takes to succeed in virtually any endeavor. There is no “secret” to […]
How to Engage in Positive Change
At the time of this post our country is in a very interesting place; a crossroads if you will. We are still in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic, but in addition to that, in reaction to the death of George Floyd at the hands of police, protest against systemic racism, police brutality, and social […]
A Plan for Success
When Jazmin Oquendo arrived at the Greater Paterson OIC, she came with a plan.
Ruth Rivera
Another Greater Paterson student achieving at high levels has earned certifications in...
Chantel Cuavers
The challenges of single parenthood are well-known and widely documented. The impact of being a single parent effects people differently. For some it’s an excuse for underachieving and accepting a life of mediocracy. For others it can be a motivator to face the challenges and advance towards building the type of life desired. Chantel Cuavers is an example of the latter.
Jennifer Nunez
The great race car driver Mario Andretti is quoted as saying, “Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”This quote sums up Ms. Jennifer Nunez nicely.
Valicia Simon
Congratulations & Best Wishes!
GPOIC's 2018 student achievement award recipient, Valicia Simon, is now gainfully employed and working in the field of finance for Passaic County.
OIC Student Success: Ken Weston
One of the things we enjoy most in our work at GPOIC is the opportunity to meet a range of interesting, talented, and motivated people; One such person is Kenneth Weston. Ken is one of the most gifted individuals we’ve had come through our organization. What we appreciate most is his ability to bounce back […]
Curtis Mitchell
I came to Greater Paterson OIC, applied what was taught and now I am happily employed. Welder – 2017
21 Executives Share the Daily Routines That Help Them Succeed
Routines that help you succeed! The most successful people I know make navigating business and life look easy, often because they have their crap together more than most people.