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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Resume Building

Developing and editing your resume can be difficult but we at Greater Paterson OIC are here to help! We wanted to make the process of building a resume easier for you, so we handpicked 5 major things employers want to see on a resume. Some would say to consider yourself a product when building a resume. A product should be valuable, convenient, and efficient. Your resume is enough to get you into the doors of an industry building, face to face contact is what should seal the deal of your job.

  1. They Only Care About The Job Your Applying For.
    • You should cater your resume to the industry your applying for. When skimming through a resume an employer is attracted to jobs that relate to the job your applying for. This is not to say that your other accomplishments are not relevant but they are simply not the focus at that point. What you can always bring experience to an establishment.
  2. Format.
    • An essay on your life is not necessary when building your resume. Bullet points and headings are enough to get your point across when describing your previous work. The font type should be legible but still creativity.
  3. Just Enough Creativity
    • A boring resume will result in a boring reaction. There are appropriate ways to give your resume some color. An example would be if you are apply for a Graphic Arts position, you can include some of your talents in your resume.
  4. Motivation
    • The language you use to describe your previous work experience is imperative. Employers want to see motivate and drive to work for them even if the job is repetitive. Words such as “inspired, opportunity, and confidence” show your employer that you are able to articulate how a job made you feel.
  5. Contact Information
    • An employer does not need much to contact you for a job. Your address, phone number and email is more than enough for the recruiter to communicate with you. Your contact information should be below your name and typed in a smaller font size.

GPOIC, Resume Building

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